Friday, September 12, 2008


OK. I was going to post a picture of Tonsils but that's just gross! My fourteen year old son had his removed one week ago today and is still feeling the effects. He looks pretty bad, in fact he looks worse than when he came out of recovery. He can breathe easier and is getting the best sleep of his life. Kinda scary that we don't hear the snoring anymore though. We didn't realize how loud it had been or how routine it had become to hear.

Now we had a great Doc.!! The man was awsome!! He took excellent care of our son and we couldn't have put him in more capable hands. Dr. Doc. was in charge of writing the prescriptions too! Dr. Doc. gave our son the good stuff!! No skimping on meds going on in our neck of the woods!

Most people will tell you that having your tonsils out is "not a big deal" "not serious" "thank god it's not something else" this is the main response that I received when telling people that he was going to have them taken out. He's so lucky he gets ice cream all the time!! And all that is primarily very true.

What I have learned however, as a mom, anytime they put someone you love under anesthesia it's a very big deal. Suddenly statistics become a very big deal and you just pray that your loved one doesn't become part of the statistics, even more so when it's your child. While our son is fourteen we did see several other children going in for the same procedure that were far younger than him. I prayed hard for my son and everybody else who was going in for surgery that morning.

While waiting for the procedure to be done what I observed was the love that families & friends have for one another! It was amazing to see family and friends come to support parents and loved ones while waiting with them for procedures to be completed. They put their daily routines on hold to make sure they were present. They came armed with books, magazines, newspapers, laptops, cell phones (laptops and cell phones are now allowed in the new outpatient facility we were in) and for the very lucky....Starbucks!!

We are so very grateful for all the text messages and phone calls we received from friends and family who could not be there, for it's not always possible for everyone to show up. Jobs and distance always prove difficult but thanks to the miracle of technology my text message box was full that day!! We LOVE you guys and Thank You!!

I will be forever grateful to my father-in-law for he came armed with conversation. We don't see very much of him, at least not as much as we should, but he showed up and was ready to help make our wait less daunting. We mainly talked about the squirrels and tomatoes...go figure! But the fact that he was there when our son opened his eyes made me realize how important it is to just be there. Be there for support!

We love you son!!!!!! You didn't need those tonsils and adenoids anyway!!

Thankfully all went well and we were out of there before we knew it. We said our goodbyes and watched as the one retired man, we thought had nothing to do, went to his next appointment for support. Thanks Dad for being there!!! You are greatly appreciated!!!!!!!

I see volunteering in my future!!


linny's said...

I'm so happy you had someone there to support you ;) I missed being there :(. The great news is you all discovered just about the BEST ice cream I've ever had :)! I plan on going to the store and buying some hmmmmm maybe tonight?!

Jessica said...

my son had to be "put under" to have some cavities filled (big baby) really gets scary when the nurses start in with the "this consent form is in case X happens..." ahhh! just do the procedure and tell me the risks later!

hope he feels great soon!